ehelp DUO
What is DUO?
Device Enrollment
Duo允许利记sbo有效地验证所有用户的身份, 在授予访问大学应用程序和资源之前进行强认证(双因素认证). Check your app store to download the DUO app.
For more information please visit: Duo Enrollment
You will have received an enrollment email from with the subject “Duo Security Enrollment”. Click the link in the email to start the process. Here is a sample of the email you will receive:
Duo Security < >
SUBJECT: 利记sbo 2-Factor/Duo Security Enrollment
Lawrence Tech is now rolling out Duo Security, 一个友好和安全的方式,为您登录到利记sbo的应用程序. 我们已经邀请您设置您的Duo帐户,以便您可以开始登录.
< enrollment-link >
Duo Security是一种双因素身份验证服务,力求易于使用和安全. 要了解更多利记sboDuo认证的信息,请访问此处的指南:
< guide-link >
- This will take you to the 利记sbo Duo enrollment site. Click to start setup.
- Select the type of device to be used with Duo. 为了方便使用,建议在手机上使用Duo Mobile应用程序, and provides additional functionality. Other options are to receive SMS text messages, mobile or landline calls, or use a physical authentication token. However, 这些方法不是用户友好的,并且每次身份验证都会给大学带来额外的成本.
- 注册手机时,输入并验证手机号码.
- iPhone、Android和Windows phone都可以收到Duo应用程序的推送. 其他手机则通过接收短信代码来工作.
- 在手机应用商店中搜索“Duo Mobile”,安装Duo Mobile应用程序。. Then click “I have Duo Mobile installed”.
- 你可以用手机的摄像头扫描电脑屏幕上显示的二维码,简化激活过程. 或者,您可以选择通过电子邮件发送激活链接.
- On your phone launch the Duo app and select “Get Started”.
- 调整手机上的摄像头视图,以适应电脑屏幕上的qr码. It should scan within a few seconds.
- 当手机上的条形码被识别时,电脑上的激活屏幕将显示.
- Once activated, set your default Duo authentication setting. 在使用多个应用程序时,建议选择“Ask me to choose an authentication method”,以减少可能出现的问题.